Physics - Too Difficult for Theoretical Physicists!

Our world, and our universe, seem remarkably fine-tuned. The laws of physics work together so well, in fact, they are TOO fine-tuned, many physicists now think. The "GOD PARTICLE" (Higgs boson particle) discovered at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) has reminded physicists of an uncomfortable truth.

For several decades, physicists have periodically pointed out that some of the physical constants required to make those wonderfully impressive equations work out are far different from the values predicted by modern theoretical physics. Those equations accurately and precisely describe what is observed in the physical world. But the actual physical constants that make those equations work differ greatly from those predicted by the “standard model” embraced by big bang cosmologists.

"We are struggling to find clear indications that can point us in the right direction. Some people see in this state of crisis a source of frustration. I see a source of excitement because new ideas have always thrived in moments of crisis." - Gian Giudice, head of the Theory Department at CERN.

The Standard Model explains all the physical forces except gravity. Gravity is a force of attraction between two objects. All objects with mass have gravity. Gravity is like a magnet. It pulls objects together. The Earth has gravity. Gravity holds everything close to this planet. Trees, water, animals, buildings, and the air we breathe are all held here by gravity. All of the planets, the stars and the moons of the universe have gravity. Gravity, which is by far weaker than all the other forces is also believed to "hold" the planets and stars in place.? How can this then be true? To prove to yourself how weak the force of gravity is compared to the force of electromagnetism in our universe, place a metal paper clip onto a table and place a magnet a few inches above it. See how quickly the paper clip shoots up and clings to the magnet. This despite the force of gravity of the entire earth acting to pull the paper clip towards its center versus the small magnet yanking the paper clip up to itself. To move an object that is at rest, a lot of force must be applied to overcome the object's inertia. The larger a still object is, the more force is required to move it. So what force moves it and what is the darkness in the sky made up of?

Scientists call this 'regular' matter baryonic matter, so called because it is made up of particles called baryons. Dark matter is the name given to matter we can not observe directly(like black cotten whool)  and that appears to be made up of something other than baryons. It turns out that roughly 68% of the Universe is dark energy. Dark matter makes up about 27%. The rest - everything on Earth, everything ever observed with all of our instruments, all normal matter - adds up to less than 5% of the Universe.

Physicists have long been perplexed by the apparent weakness of gravity compared to the three other basic forces in nature: electromagnetism, the weak force associated with atomic radiation and the strong force that holds atomic nuclei together. One answer may lie in the concept of multiple universes in dimensions beyond the space and time we experience. To visualize this idea, the imagine our universe collapsed onto a flat, two-dimensional plane. The stacked planes represent alternative universes that exist alongside ours, but unless we could extend our perceptions beyond our limited plane, we would be totally unaware of them.

English: Level II Multiverse: every disk is a ...
English: Level II Multiverse: every disk is a bubble universe. Universe 1 to Universe 6 are different bubbles, with distinct physical constants that are different from our universe. Our universe is just one of the bubbles. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The multiverse idea has waxed and waned in popularity. But the Higgs boson particle that was finally found using the Large Hadron Collider last July has a mass much too small for comfort. The Higgs particle is not a disappointment from the standpoint of particle physics. The Higgs boson discovery is consistent with the current theory of why elementary particles have mass. The mass of the Higgs boson, however, is exponentially different from its predicted value. Current cosmological theory can only support such a Higgs if there are a lot more particles lurking in the Large Hadron Collider. Yet no more have been found. Some physicists—eager to avoid the inevitable alternative of “intelligent design”—are jumping on the multiverse bandwagon in case none are found. Arkani-Hamed explains, based on the current state of physics, that “The universe is inevitable. The universe is impossible.” Both declarations must be true, and because they are mutually contradictory statements, they could only be true in a multiple universe scenario.

Of course there is no way to prove that multiple universes exist and no scientific support for the idea. None, that is, except that the only other alternative is that the universe was actually designed. Intelligent design is not “proof” that God exists, but the position is an uncomfortable one all those whose worldviews demand that no supernatural power or designer exists.The multiverse concept postulates that there exist other realities in which even the physical laws governing reality are different. Thus, given enough time and enough realities, random processes could result in absolutely anything. And because the random processes that supposedly produced “us” are the only ones we can know about, none of this tale can be subjected to the scientific method and experimental science. Thus the multiverse is a convenient way to wiggle out of the scientific inconsistencies of the standard model.

Intelligent design

Intelligent design, suggests that there is something or someone in control of these things:

Just to show some weird Random example, suggests that the distances of the planets from the Sun follow a simple mathematical pattern.

In Science, the Titius-Bode Law did not survive mainstream scrutiny, primarily because most astronomers regarded the more-inward position of Neptune as a fatal counterexample to it. But since that event, the scientific community has seen the discoveries, decades apart, of Pluto and Eris. These two dwarf world have vastly inclined and highly eccentric orbits that, nevertheless, have positions that would almost seem to conform to the Titius-Bode Law were Neptune not present. Findings like these cast doubt on the earlier decision to abandon this Law and suggest an alternative explanation: that God in fact set the planets in their orbits according to this Law, but a subsequent cataclysmic event or sequence significantly altered the elegant mathematical pattern of the outer reaches of the solar system.
Lastly, there seems to be a systematic relationship between the periods of planets revolving around a primary body. The distances of the planets from the sun, seems based on the numerical sequence 0, 3, 6, 12, 24,48… By adding 4 to each number and then by dividing that number by 10 gives the sequence of 0.4, 0.7, 1, 1.6, 2.8,5.6,which is a reasonable representation of distances in astronomical units for most planets.

The only alternative to the multiverse, gravity, Titius-Bode Law etc holding all of our Cosmos together, some fear, is what we refer to as Intelligent Design. Those who admit that the universe must be intelligently designed can discover exactly who that Designer is in the Bible.

PS - Intelligent design is not necessarily the same as a belief in God.To accept the existence of a good God requires faith. Belief in intelligent design is for some a first step toward belief in God. But belief in intelligent design does not provide salvation. Salvation from sin is only available through Jesus Christ.

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